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Prodajem Hotel, Rijeka, €1.450.000

Vrsta: Prodajem Hotel
Područje: Rijeka
Adresa: Rijeka, Gorski Kotar
Cijena: €1.450.000
Spavaćih Soba: 42
Kupatila: 42
Stambena Površina: 2.218 m2
Zemljište: 8.997 m2

Opis (Engleski): Unique opportunity for investment in upgrade of existing hotel in mountain region Gorski Kotar region between Zagreb and seaside part of Croatia! Hotel is currently closed and needs some reconstruction and refurbishment. The plan is to transform the hotel info wellness- adn sport-centre of Gorski Kotar! Total land plot of the hotel is 8997 sq.m.Hotel building surface is 2218 sq.m. netto.Hotel offers 42 double rooms to accomodate 84 people.It was built in 1979 and a design renovation was undertaken in 2009. Hotel is owned by a company (local d.o.o.), for sale are 100% of company shares.Hotel offers reception, restaurant, bar, lounge area.There is a plan to apply for financing to redevelop hotel info 4**** star wellness centre. There is a requirement to raise the class of energy efficiency. It is possible to cover up to 70% of all reconstruction costs via grants....

Više detalja na: adrionika.com/ru/nedvizhi...

Država oglašivača: GE

Oglas Broj: 2489958 (22516)
Postavljeno: 22 Jan, 2021
Zadnja Promjena: 22 Jan, 2021
Tags: Nekretnine Rijeka | Prodaja Hotela Rijeka

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