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Realitica oglasi

Traži u Napredno

Prodajem Poslovni Prostor, Ljubija

Vrsta: Prodajem Poslovni Prostor
Područje: Prijedor
Lokacija: Ljubija
Adresa: Ulica Tone Perića br. 1, Ljubija
Stambena Površina: 2.502 m2
Zemljište: 3.274 m2

Opis: Building with land and auxiliary facilities.

Because of high quality construction of building, unique location and traffic connections, property is suitable for various purposes such as: hotel, residential building, nursing home, training center, private clinic or production line.

Open interior allows easy and quick adaptation to the desired purpose, with the possibility of expanding capacity by upgrading the level.

Strategic location: nearby several major cities, National parks, border crossing with European Union, International Airport Banja Luka.

Micro location: natural environment, park with small river in front of the building, forest behind the building, courtyard, promenade, close to handball court, football field, outdoor pool (currently not in use) and other nearby buildings that can be renovated and used to improve the content and offers for the selected activity

For more information please visit www.domljubija.com

Više detalja na: domljubija.com/

Država oglašivača: BA

Oglas Broj: 2730784
Postavljeno: 17 Feb, 2022
Zadnja Promjena: 2 Jul, 2024
Tags: Nekretnine Ljubija | Prodaja Poslovnih Prostora Ljubija | Nekretnine Prijedor | Prodaja Poslovnih Prostora Prijedor

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