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Prodajem Zemljište, Rabac, Labin, €156.000

Vrsta: Prodajem Zemljište
Područje: Labin
Lokacija: Rabac
Adresa: Rabac-Labin, Rabac, Labin
Cijena: €156.000
Zemljište: 926 m2

Opis (Engleski): Building plot with an open sea views in Rabac-Labin area, mere 400 meters from the sea!Total area is 926 sq.m.On the southeastern fringe of Istria, where emerald slopes embrace the waves, where nature dances with heritage, lie two towns merely five kilometers apart: Labin and Rabac. These sibling towns, though alike in size, boast distinct yet harmonious spirits. Rabac, dubbed the pearl of Kvarner, owes its charm to ivory pebble shores, lush Mediterranean foliage, and crystalline waters. Once a humble fishing hamlet, Rabac now stands as a magnetic haven for tourists, its streets weaving a tapestry of vibrant culture and festive revelry. The verdant embrace of Rabac's environs and the idyllic hinterlands beckon adventurers and seekers of solace year-round.Not far from this coastal duo, nestled in a tranquil seaside settlement, awaits a parcel of land with a boundless vista of the sea....

Više detalja na: adrionika.com/ru/nedvizhi...

Država oglašivača: GE

Oglas Broj: 3284979 (98576)
Postavljeno: 8 May, 2024
Zadnja Promjena: 8 May, 2024
Tags: Nekretnine Rabac | Prodaja Zemljišta Rabac | Nekretnine Labin | Prodaja Zemljišta Labin

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