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Prodajem Stan-Apartman, Antalya

Vrsta: Prodajem Stan-Apartman
Područje: Istanbul
Lokacija: Antalya
Adresa: Antalya Uluc mah 1155 sokak, Duru Yasam Evleri
Cijena: €590.000
Godina Gradnje: 2010
Spavaćih Soba: 5
Kupatila: 4
Stambena Površina: 330 m2
Parking Mjesta: 1
Od Mora (m): 2200
Klima Uređaj

Opis: 330 m2 total square, it have 5 rooms and a dining room with a kitchen, 3 garderobe rooms, 4 toilets with 4 shower rooms and big jacuzzi, also there is a sauna inside the flat. The flat have 2 terraces and 2 balconies. This is the closed residence with a 3 5 store buildings, which security, swimming pool, fitness room, underground parking, each flat has a special room(pantry) downstairs near the parking.
Location, 5 mins by car from the best beaches of Antalya with all comfortable facilities.
Also air conditions Daikin in each room. Gas heating floor and heating batteries.

Država oglašivača: TR

Oglas Broj: 3361740
Postavljeno: 21 Aug, 2024
Zadnja Promjena: 21 Aug, 2024
Tags: Nekretnine Antalya | Prodaja Stanova Antalya | Nekretnine Istanbul | Prodaja Stanova Istanbul | Apartmani Istanbul Privatni Smještaj

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